Steam To:
Hot Water To:
Three pass, compact fire-tube design for 15 psi steam or 30 psi water Section I and Section IV (optionally available for 60 psi water). Factory assembled with trim, tested, ASME code, UL, and CSD-1 standards.
Steam Trim
Safety relief valve, operating pressure control, high limit pressure control with manual reset, steam pressure gauge with syphon and test cock, combination pump control and low water cut-off with gauge glass assembly and drain valve, auxiliary low water cut-off with manual reset.
Water Boiler Trim
Safety relief valve, operating temperature control, high limit temperature control with manual reset, 3 1/2″ combination pressure and temperature gauge, M&M 750 low water cutoff control with manual reset.
UL listed with pre-piped, wired and factory tested forced draft power burners for:
- Natural Gas
- Propane (LP) Gas
- No. 2 (Diesel) Oil
- Combination Gas/Oil
Hurst “Performance” Boiler
- Factory Assembled, Pre-wired and Tested
- No Field Assembly Required.
- UL Listed Boiler/Burner Packages.
- Fully Assembled, Pre-piped, Pre-wired, Pressure Tested Gas Trains
- Complies with ASME, UL, CSD-1 and ASHRAE Standards
- High Efficiency, Low Stack Temperatures.
- Customer Service Support Through National Network of Sales, Service, St Training and Parts by Factory Representatives.
LPE Boiler Features
- Welded steel fire tube boiler, the LPE has extra-heavy 13-gauge tubes for extended life. All tubes are sealed to the tube sheets by rolling and flaring.
- There are no welded tubes in the LPE.
- Thickest materials used in the industry… Boiler shell is 5/16″ thick boiler plate 20-40 HP / 3/8″ 50-100 HP.
- Twin boiler tube sheets are 1/2″ thick boiler plate.
- Insulation is 2″ mineral wool and is lagged with 22-gauge boiler jacket.
- Extra heavy 4″ channel iron boiler skids.
Designed to last with special industrial grade features
- Couplings are 3,000 psi.
- Flanged, detachable front and rear smoke boxes.
- Brass nuts on access panels, brass plugs installed in inspection crosses and tees on water and steam piping trim.